Jul 26, 2018 | Aurrum Norah Head News
Last week Emma McBride MP Member for Dobell, NSW, Australian Labour Party visited Aurrum Norah Head to donate an Australian flag and speak with residents about current issues in the community. Karen Bailey, Aurrum Norah Head Facility Manager, gave a tour of the...
Mar 19, 2018 | Aurrum Norah Head News
Engaging with and supporting local communities is an important part of Aurrum’s vision. The team at Aurrum Aged Care Norah Head on the NSW Central Coast recently donated $1,000 to the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) in support of their work as a community...
Mar 13, 2018 | Aurrum Brunswick News, Aurrum Erina News, Aurrum Healesville News, Aurrum Kincumber News, Aurrum News, Aurrum Norah Head News, Aurrum Plenty News, Aurrum Reservoir News, Aurrum Terrigal Drive News, Aurrum Wyoming News
Paro the robotic seal is an advanced interactive therapeutic robot available to residents at Aurrum’s aged care facilities. Paro has been found to help reduce stress and agitation and improve relaxation of aged care residents. Paro uses facial recognition and is very...
May 24, 2017 | Aurrum Brunswick News, Aurrum Erina News, Aurrum Healesville News, Aurrum Kincumber News, Aurrum Norah Head News, Aurrum Plenty News, Aurrum Reservoir News, Aurrum Terrigal Drive News, Aurrum Times News, Aurrum Wyoming News
Our latest issue is now available to view.
Feb 28, 2017 | Aurrum Brunswick News, Aurrum Erina News, Aurrum Healesville News, Aurrum Kincumber News, Aurrum News, Aurrum Norah Head News, Aurrum Reservoir News, Aurrum Wyoming News
In December 2016 the Director of Aurrum, decided to allocate $1,000 to each of the Aurrum age care homes to donate to a local community charity of their choice. Each of the facilities decided on a charity that had in one way or another impacted their lives with the...
Aug 24, 2016 | Aurrum News, Aurrum Norah Head News
Around 70 people, including residents, relatives, friends and staff attended a special morning tea to mark Aurrum Norah Head’s first birthday. Staff decorated the room with gold and blue balloons and everyone enjoyed mixed sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and...