Palliative Care in Aged Care: What You Need to Know

It’s normal to feel wary if a doctor or carer has brought up the term ‘palliative care’, but knowing more about this type of support can really help. Here, we cover what palliative care is, its importance in aged care, where you can find resources and some clear next...

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What to Expect When Moving into an Aged Care Home

If you’re thinking about moving into an aged care home, you may be wondering about the experiences and changes that could be ahead of you. Let’s look a little closer at what to expect from a nursing home or aged care home in Australia, and whether this type of care...

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Moving into Aged Care with Dementia

Are you looking into dementia programs in nursing homes for a loved one? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits, and what to look out for when seeking support. Dementia affects almost 400,000 people in Australia, with each person experiencing dementia in a unique...

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How Do I Talk About Aged Care with My Loved Ones?

Are you thinking about a nursing home placement for elderly parents, a friend or a spouse? If someone you care for is finding things harder than they used to, or can no longer live safely or comfortably at home, you might feel that a move into an aged care home could...

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What Makes a Good Aged Care Home?

One of the deepest fears about moving into aged care, or moving a loved one into aged care, can be the fear of making the wrong choice. This is a completely understandable apprehension, often based on recent media reports and the recent review into standards in aged...

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Navigating Assessments with My Aged Care

My Aged Care, ACATs and assessments – what’s it all about? Knowing where to seek support and what the different terms mean can be a little confusing when you first set out to access aged care in Australia, so we thought we’d gather some of the most common questions in...

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Who is Responsible for Aged Care in Australia?

All Australians deserve access to safe, high-quality care. If you or a loved one is accessing aged care support in any way, it can be helpful to understand who is responsible for providing and assessing that care. Who is responsible for aged care in Australia?  The...

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Can I Go into Residential Aged Care While on the Pension?

You may be receiving the Australian Age Pension, but does this affect the type and choice of aged care support you receive?   In Australia we’re fortunate to have the Age Pension as well as government funded aged care facilities to ensure everyone has access to...

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How Does an Aging Population Affect Health Care in Australia?

Australia has a growing proportion of people aged 65 and over, and we can expect longer lives on average. So how does an ageing population affect health care?   Increased life expectancy and lower birth rates mean that as a population, we’re living longer and...

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