
Can I Go into Residential Aged Care While on the Pension?

You may be receiving the Australian Age Pension, but does this affect the type and choice of aged care support you receive?   In Australia we’re fortunate to have the Age Pension as well as government funded aged care facilities to ensure everyone has access to...

How Does an Aging Population Affect Health Care in Australia?

Australia has a growing proportion of people aged 65 and over, and we can expect longer lives on average. So how does an ageing population affect health care?   Increased life expectancy and lower birth rates mean that as a population, we’re living longer and...

Easing the Transition to Residential Aged Care

Making the move into residential aged care facilities can feel like a challenging time, with people fearing they’re about to forego their independence or freedom. With the right support, this doesn’t need to be the case.   The transition from the comfort of home...

Exploring Quality Aged Care Outside the City

You shouldn’t need to live in a densely populated area to access quality aged care. Support and facilities should be accessible wherever you happen to live. It can be difficult to access a choice in aged care residences or home care package providers in Victoria and...